Setting up xVPN connection on Ubuntu

Download the v2rayN application from Github.
Select the latest version and click Assets. Download the zip file, for example

Unpack archive.

Unpack archive v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Right click on v2rayN and select Properties.

Properties of v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Allow the program to run.

Allow v2rayN to run on Ubuntu 24

Right click on v2rayN and run the program.

Run app v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Add a subscription.

Adding a subscription to v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Click Add.

Add a subscription in v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Enter any name. In the URL field, copy the link to xVPN subscription from the section Subscriptions

Subscription for xVPN connections in v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Click Close.

Close the list of xVPN subscriptions in v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Update the list of connections. Update this list periodically.

Update connection list in v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Set System Proxy. This mode will direct all traffic to the VPN tunnel.

Set system proxy in v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Make sure your system proxy is enabled. Select Program Settings.

Settings for the v2rayN program on Ubuntu 24

Mark the launch of the program along with the system.

Running the v2rayN program along with the system on Ubuntu 24

To select a connection, right-click on the connection and select Set as active server.

Select active server in v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

To disable the VPN connection, you can Clear system proxy or exit the application.

Disconnect xVPN in v2rayN on Ubuntu 24

Another way to connect xVPN through the Nekoray program:
Setting up xVPN in Nekoray app on Ubuntu

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